Jordan Goetz | Growler Domestics | Episode 1

Table of Contents

From Bartending to Woodworking: The Turning Point

From humble beginnings as a bartender in Austin, Texas, Jordan Goetz has become a prominent figure in the world of woodworking. His story showcases an inspiring journey of resilience and determination, proving that hard work and a passion for craftsmanship can lead to extraordinary success.

Jordan’s life took an unexpected turn 14 years ago when he moved from Southern California to Austin. While working as a bartender, he found himself yearning for a creative outlet. This desire eventually led him to discover woodworking. A simple fortune cookie message predicting a career change seemed like a sign, and just three months later, Jordan received a call to design and build a coffee shop. This opportunity allowed him to quit bartending and dive into the world of custom furniture design and fabrication.

The Birth of Growler Domestics

After a long process of brainstorming and soul-searching, Jordan founded Growler Domestics, a custom fabrication studio committed to creating one-of-a-kind, high-quality pieces. This journey wasn’t easy, as Jordan was entirely self-taught and had no mentor to guide him. However, he embraced the challenges, knowing that taking risks was essential for growth. Today, Growler Domestics has become one of the leading custom fabrication studios in Texas, all thanks to Jordan’s relentless pursuit of excellence.

Work Hard, Live Well: Jordan’s Mantra

Jordan’s work ethic is fueled by his mantra: “work hard, live well.” By dedicating long hours and pouring his heart into his creations, he has managed to not only craft beautiful furniture but also build a fulfilling life. Having lost his mother at a young age, Jordan has faced adversity with resilience, choosing to honor her memory by pushing forward and persevering.

Essential Tools and Resources for Woodworkers

When it comes to woodworking, Jordan relies on top-quality tools and resources. Among them, he trusts’s Q101 Series Flex Back Carbon Band Saw Blades and Q201 Hard Back Carbon Band Saw Blades for exceptional performance. To further enhance the capabilities of his Laguna, Delta, and Grizzly bandsaws, Jordan turns to for their comprehensive range of guide upgrade kits.

For those looking to expand their woodworking knowledge, Jordan recommends downloading over 700 free bandsaw manuals from and exploring the 300+ woodworking videos available on

Conclusion: The Power of Determination and Perseverance

In conclusion, Jordan Goetz’s journey is a testament to the power of determination, hard work, and passion for craftsmanship. His story serves as a reminder that with perseverance, anything is possible, and that the rewards of such dedication can lead to a fulfilling life and a successful career.

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